
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Myth of Fun and Interesting.

The kids line the hall, painting with tempera paint.
"What are you all doing?", I ask.
"Storyboards. You know, what we think of when we read the story."
The cynic in me wants to ask if it wouldn't be better to "write" about it. After all, it is a sophomore English class.

"Can we go outside?" "This isn't fun." "I enjoy your class, but I hate math." "Do we have to work today." "You're going to make us think today, aren't you? Can't we have a Friday Fun Day?"
"When have we ever had a Friday Fun Day? and yes, of course I'd like you to think today. Isn't that the point?"

Curriculum meeting.
"We should have more practice with basic skills at the middle school level."
"Oh, you mean drill and kill."
"No, I mean practice."
"You mean drill and kill."
Is it mean of me to say that I'm not surprised she never participated in a team sport? Is not a math teacher? Has never taught anyone over 12? Has no idea of why it would be nice to have students who were comfortable with fractions, decimals, PEMDAS, and so on? I can teach algebra. What kills me is when I have to explain to them how to add 1/2 and 1/3.

Read the Myth of Fun and Interesting over at d-ed reckoning.

I especially like this line:
"In other words, interest is the reward of learning, not the motivation for learning."

1 comment:

  1. My sentiments exactly.

    I felt the same way when I found a desk in an English room full of art supplies while I was proctoring a regents.

    One of the AP English teachers has the kids making puppets and play acting. No wonder her kids do terrible on the exam.
