
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Twittering the wrong people

A while back, I was watching the weather channel, waiting for the Local on the Eights. They did a fluff piece on BBQs and someone twittered them to ask how long one could leave meat out?

Why would anyone twitter that to the weather channel? Why would the Weather Channel answer?

I have my thoughts. They're "digital natives" and they can't think because they've come to depend on the magic box. The "digital natives" can't research. They've been able to Google and WikiSearch and copy/paste what seems to be a decent answer. Of course, it rarely is appropriate. It's usually pretty laughable if the administration weren't so keen on promoting it. It certainly smacks of plagiarism and laziness.

Lazy is too harsh a word? Their habits are (1) watch the weather channel, and see a story about a barbeque (2) have a random thought and uhhhhhhhhh ... Twitter the weather channel.

This is something we want to replicate in schools?

Just sayin'

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely.
    As a high school teacher, I am amazed by the attention-deficit behavior that is being encouraged in our students. I can give an assignment on topic A and the kid comes back with something he's cut and pasted from three websites about topics B, C and watermelon. He then argues that he should be given credit for doing "something."
    My response: the stapler does something too, but the difference is that it's useful. Should I give it an A if I pass you?
