
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Racist in Vermont

I really like this state. The environment, communities, the people. And then you get the whack-jobs crawling out of the woodwork and it just stuns you. Take this article in the Rutland Herald (south-west part of the state):
Police: Day care also home to coke dealer
A day care inside a home in a well-to-do neighborhood of Rutland City served as the base of operations for a prolific cocaine and marijuana distribution operation, according to police assigned to the state's Southern Vermont Drug Task Force. (continues for many paragraphs ...)
You think, "Oh brother, nasty crime. Glad they caught them. Good job police." and then the lunatic shows up, in the comments section:
Better get use to this because the blacks have taken over Rutland with drugs and have the low life junkies deal for them, only way to get rid of this is to run the blacks out along with their welfare ma ma's and the slum lords that rent to these poeple, sorry bleeding hearts but we treated them as a equal and this is what they do, time for the working class whites to get back our city.
-- Posted by None None
What the hell?

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