I've been taking an online course this summer. Five weeks, the usual forums and readings with little teacher input. More on that later.
Here's the funny thing: course is over, last reflection is submitted, final grades not quite done - maybe the next day ... I get paperwork in the mail describing the course, its drop/add policy and other enrollment papers.
Bureaucracy is a wonderful thing.
I'd like to defend myself (even though I'm not the one teaching your course, and I'm sure I'm a good deal more time-consuming as a teacher of an on-line course, so I'm sure it all evens out). I'm teaching an on-line summer course, and I grade everything and get feedback returned to students within 48 hours (except on weekends--then you have to wait an extra day)... I'd like to think I'm working too hard, but really I'm pretty sure I get at least an extra 15% student learning for my time.