
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

About that Longer School Year Idea

It's at this time of year, when the temperature in the building is above 90° and the only fans are ones the teachers bring in from home, that you begin to understand why school leaders in the 1800s decided to take the summer off. It is also about this time -- although late June is also hot around here -- that I really wish the reformers would shut the hell up.


  1. I love trying to teach math while sweat is pouring down my face and the kids just want to sleep.

    And we have been in school a month now.

  2. Yeah, and we're in normally brisk Vermont. I'd HATE being in Texas right now.

  3. Can't agree more with your point. Classroom temps climbed into the 90s here as well, and we're in Maine where we'll probably have a frost in another two or three weeks!

  4. Amen to that. Actually, I wish the sewers of Rangoon would back up in the reformers' breakfasts.

  5. "May the sewers of Rangoon back up in your breakfast." - awesome.

  6. Let's cut the air conditioners in all these politician offices. I bet they won't like it at all.
