
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Inappropriate at any time in any classroom.

Darren has a piece about a new California law.
Do NOT Make Me Do This
I'm sorry your kid gets seizures, but I'm a teacher and not a medical professional, and neither do I desire a career related to medicine. If I desired one, I'd already be in that field. "Duh" just isn't strong enough.

But that's what happened Thursday, when a key legislative committee voted to move forward with a bill that would let school employees who are not nurses administer epilepsy medicine to children having seizures...
He asks, "You know what my fear is? Eventually they'll make it required that I do this." To which I reply ... "Holy crap!"

I'm perfectly fine, even happy to have an epileptic in my classroom. We simply have a class discussion about what to look for, signs to pay attention to and that sort of thing. Periodically, someone would mention that T_____ was having a mild siezure and we'd watch to make sure he wasn't going to hurt himself and continue on. If he needed to be laid on the floor (most of his were mild and he'd freeze in his seat), a couple of kids would grab him and we'd all ease him down and move chairs. No histrionics, no big deal. When he came out, we'd usually send him to the nurse to nap and someone would be assigned to bring material for him. But I draw the line at administering Diastat.

Why? Big mean bastard? Well, yes, but that's not the reason. I'm a teacher, not a nurse, and I think the nurse should do her job and let me do mine? Well, yes, but not quite it. We need an additional quoted paragraph from Darren. Read:
Labor unions argue that schools should employ more nurses because it's inappropriate to ask nonmedical personnel to administer Diastat, the anti-seizure drug at the center of SB 161. Diastat is a valium gel that must be inserted into the patient's rectum with a soft-tipped syringe.
WTF? Anything that would require me to take off a kid's pants in class to administer something into the rectum ... did anyone think this through?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link :)

    To answer your final question: yes, people did think this through, and they're still pushing this law.

    THAT is the environment in which I live and teach.
