
Thursday, November 17, 2011

This moron is teaching future math teachers

and giving them extra credit for this:

Unless they changed the rules recently and I never noticed, irrational numbers are still real.

This is the problem with math education in America.

  • Not the students who hand in this mistake.
  • Not the teachers nationwide who cringe at this mistake.
  • Not the schools who do their best with unwilling or unmotivated students.

No, it's the college teacher preparation programs that instill faulty knowledge and reinforce it with extra credit ... these students obviously don't know their subject all that well and this "teacher" is no better. "Hands On Math: Burn The Textbooks, Shred The Worksheets, Teach Math." is the blog motto.

Seems like reading a book and learning a fact or two might come in handy.


  1. Ew. Yes. The previous one on the blog isn't any better either. This is the stuff many of my students come to me with (I teach some of those future teachers)--make it pretty, make it fun, make it high tech, and the content turns to mush. Bleah.

  2. I see crap like that in English, too ... you know, like it seems how everyone has some crazy approach to teaching literature that doesn't seem to involve actually reading the book?

    My sympathies ...

  3. LOL ... I recall once, when our daughter was in 6th grade, that she had an erroneous idea which she had gotten from her math teacher. We attempted to correct it and were told: "My teacher is right!" Fortunately, we happened to have several math texts on hand to back us up.

  4. That particular donkey was juuuuuuust a little off ...

  5. Funniest part is where the prof claims it's okay; he just docked her some points because the math wasn't completely right.

    But he doesn't mention this anywhere in the actual post.

    As far as I am concerned, that's deceptive advertising right there.
